How to say Old in German?
What does Alt mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Old is translated in German by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

My brothers are older than me.

How old is he?

My brother is old.

And how old are they?

The old truck is dull.

That is an old picture.

The snow is very cold.

That turtle is very old.

The old car has no wheels.

When you will be older, you are going to drive a car.

I go to work with my old car.

She is approximately sixty years old.

Our truck is new, theirs is old.

Your sister is helping the old lady.

The pages of this old book are torn.

The new car is worse than the old one.

His kayak is very old, but he doesn't care.

The brown horse is not as old as the white one.

During winter, many old people travel (to the) South.

Since we are twenty-one years old, we are allowed to drink beer.