How to say Old in Italian?
What does Vecchio mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Old is translated in Italian by...
Vecchio (m) / Vecchia (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
È una vecchia fotografia.
That is an old picture.
That is an old picture.
Quella tartaruga è molto vecchia.
That turtle is very old.
That turtle is very old.
I miei fratelli sono più vecchi di me.
My brothers are older than me.
My brothers are older than me.
Il vecchio camion è opaco.
The old truck is dull.
The old truck is dull.
La macchina nuova è peggio di quella vecchia.
The new car is worse than the old one.
The new car is worse than the old one.
Il nostro furgone è nuovo, il loro è vecchio.
Our truck is new, theirs is old.
Our truck is new, theirs is old.
Il cavallo marrone è meno vecchio di quello bianco.
The brown horse is not as old as the white one.
The brown horse is not as old as the white one.
More Example Sentences.
Addio, vecchio amico mio.
Goodbye, my old friend.
Goodbye, my old friend.
Tutto sembra così vecchio.
It all looks so old.
It all looks so old.
Guardo in giro nel mio vecchio appartamento.
I look around my old apartment.
I look around my old apartment.
Mia nonna mi fa giocare con i suoi vecchi giocattoli e oggetti d'antiquariato.
My grandmother lets me play with her old toys and antiques.
My grandmother lets me play with her old toys and antiques.
Sono fuggiti fino a raggiungere la baita , che era danneggiata e vecchia.
They ran away until they reached the cabin, which was damaged and old.
They ran away until they reached the cabin, which was damaged and old.
Un giorno, il vecchio taglialegna ha deciso di andare a caccia.
One day, the old lumberjack decided to go hunting.
One day, the old lumberjack decided to go hunting.
Pensavo che niente potesse ferire un vecchio boscaiolo esperto.
I thought nothing could hurt an old and experienced lumberjack.
I thought nothing could hurt an old and experienced lumberjack.