How to say Onion in French?
What does Oignon mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Onion is translated in French by...
L'oignon (m)
Example Sentences in Context.
Je déteste les oignons.
I hate onions.
I hate onions.
Pas d'oignons dans mes noix!
No onions in my nuts!
No onions in my nuts!
Des oignons dans mon sandwich au poulet?
Onions in my chicken sandwich?
Onions in my chicken sandwich?
C'est le goût horrible d'un oignon cru.
It's the horrible taste of an uncooked onion.
It's the horrible taste of an uncooked onion.
Les oignons font même pleurer quand on les coupe.
Onions even make you cry when you cut them.
Onions even make you cry when you cut them.
Qui mettrait des oignons dans un sandwich au poulet?
Who would put onions in a chicken sandwich?
Who would put onions in a chicken sandwich?
Les noix sont bien meilleures qu'un sandwich à l'oignon.
Nuts are much better than an onion sandwich.
Nuts are much better than an onion sandwich.
Si le troisième sandwich a des oignons, je ne sais pas ce que je vais faire!
If the third sandwich has onions, I don't know what I'll do!
If the third sandwich has onions, I don't know what I'll do!
Je regarde l'emballage, juste pour m'assurer qu'il ne contient pas d'oignons.
I look at the packaging, just to make sure that it doesn't contain any onions.
I look at the packaging, just to make sure that it doesn't contain any onions.
Je regarde les ingrédients pour me rendre compte que le sandwich au jambon a aussi des oignons!
I look at the ingredients to find that the ham sandwich has onions as well!
I look at the ingredients to find that the ham sandwich has onions as well!