How to say Onion in German?
What does Zwiebel mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Onion is translated in German by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

The garden has no onion.

The farmer gives an onion to the pig. The farmer gives an onion to it.
More Example Sentences.

I hate onions.

The onion capital?

No onions in my nuts!

Onions in my chicken sandwich?

Who puts onions on a chicken sandwich?

Nuts are much better than an onion sandwich.

It's the horrible taste of an uncooked onion.

Onions even make you cry when you cut them.

If the third sandwich has onions, I don't know what I'll do!

I look at the packaging, just to make sure that it doesn't contain any onions.

I look at the ingredients and notice that the ham sandwich also contains onions!