How to say Only in Spanish?

What does Solamente mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Only” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Solamente”?

Only is translated in Spanish by...


Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

No, solamente hablo español...
No, I only speak Spanish...
Solamente para mi mujer y para mí.
Only for my wife and I.
¿Tiene lesionado solamente el brazo?
You only hurt your arm?
Solamente hay una pelota roja.
There is only one red ball.
No, solamente el colchón. Gracias.
No, only the mattress. Thank you.
Sí, pero solamente aceptamos mascotas pequeñas.
Yes, but we only allow small pets.
Solamente hay una persona en la clase.
There is only one person in the classroom.
Una solamente, pero tengo también un equipaje de mano.
Only one, but I also have hand luggage.
No, es una broma... Solamente es una caries pequeña.
No, just kidding... It's only a small cavity.
Finalmente, tú has notado que solamente queremos ayudarte.
Finally, you have realized that we only want to help you.


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