How to say Park in German?
What does Park mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Park is translated in German by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

They are at the park.

We are in the park.

We were doing yoga in the park.

She runs in the park every day.

She also runs in the park often.

I often go take a walk in the park.

We are walking to the park (right now).

The children run through the park.

The children have to wait in the park.

We will go have fun in the park.

I will play in the park next week.

The city hall is across from the park.

They went to the park to take a walk.

I always bring my laptop computer in the park.

The squirrel followed us through the park.

His parents go to the park with their dog.

The children will blow bubbles in the park.

When you were little, you always played in the park.

Yes, there is a very nice park two blocks from here.

She likes to go for a walk in the park in the fall.

I like the park, therefore we made a picnic.

He went to the park instead of doing his homework.

If it were nicer outside, we would go to the park.

You are not allowed to go to the park, you are grounded!

You met Monika in a park and you became best friends.

If the children played in the park often, they would meet other children.
More Example Sentences.

A day at the water park.

I walk around the park.

There's never anyone in this park.

Our car is still at the water park!

There's a little park near my house.

This is the most popular slide in the water park.

There's a beautiful dog park near my house.

I sometimes get requests from people in the park.

Today, I'm going to the water park with my girlfriend.

After a 30-minute drive, we arrive at the water park.

I love going back to the park and paint the birds.

It's in a national park about two hours from here.

After about 45 minutes in the park, I'm ready to go home.

Once in the park, my dog runs like he hasn't run in months.

My mother used to take me to the park to see the birds in the pond.

It's really nice to see his enthusiasm when he arrives at the park.

After trying almost every slide in the park, we go back to our beach chairs.

After about two hours on the road listening to music in my car, I arrive at the national park.