How to say Parking in Italian?

What does Parcheggio mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Parking” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Parcheggio”?

Parking is translated in Italian by...

Il parcheggio (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Avete un parcheggio?
Do you have a parking lot?
Sì, abbiamo un parcheggio sotterraneo.
Yes, we have an underground parking.
Il parcheggio sta davanti al negozio.
The parking is in front of the store.
Ci sono alcune macchine nel parcheggio.
There are a few cars in the parking lot.

More Example Sentences.

Parcheggiamo l'auto nel grande parcheggio di fronte all'ingresso principale.
We park the car in the huge parking lot in front of the main entrance.


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