How to say Party in Italian?
What does Festa mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Party is translated in Italian by...
La festa (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Lei verrà alla festa di stasera.
She will come to the party tonight.
She will come to the party tonight.
Stasera noi ci prepareremo per la festa.
We will get ready for the party tonight.
We will get ready for the party tonight.
Accompagnare: Accompagniamo Marco alla festa.
Let's accompany Marco to the party.
Let's accompany Marco to the party.
Loro stanno per divertirsi alla festa.
They are about to have a good time at the party.
They are about to have a good time at the party.
Io ho conosciuto tanta gente alla festa.
I have known (met) a lot of people at the party.
I have known (met) a lot of people at the party.
Io pretendo che lui vi inviti alla festa.
I demand that he invite(s) you to the party.
I demand that he invite(s) you to the party.
Noi sorprenderemmo Matteo con una festa, ma detesta le sorprese.
We would surprise Matteo with a party, but he hates surprises.
We would surprise Matteo with a party, but he hates surprises.