How to say Path in French?
What does Chemin mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Path is translated in French by...
Le chemin (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Le chemin est étroit.
The path is narrow.
The path is narrow.
Quel est le bon chemin à prendre?
What is the right path to take?
What is the right path to take?
More Example Sentences.
Les événements nous obligent à prendre un autre chemin.
The events force us to take a different path.
The events force us to take a different path.
Mais ce chemin peut souvent mener à quelque chose d'encore meilleur.
But this path can often lead to something even better.
But this path can often lead to something even better.
Un gros ours est soudainement sorti au milieu du chemin et était surpris par la présence d'Adam.
A large bear suddenly came out in the middle of the path and was startled by Adam's presence.
A large bear suddenly came out in the middle of the path and was startled by Adam's presence.