How to say People in French?
What does Gens mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

People is translated in French by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

They help feed poor people.

Be attentive of what people tell you.

Very few people read books every day.

I used to meet a lot of interesting people.

There aren't a lot of people at the movie theatre.

Don't talk with people that you don't know.

I help people who have problems with their phones.

You will meet very important people in a few hours.

Sometimes, when they make upgrades, they pick people who are well-dressed.

I chat with people from all over the world to practice my French.

I don't understand that you add people you don't know to your list of friends.
More Example Sentences.

There are very few people.

People are really nice.

People laugh at everything I say.

Why are there so many people?

I can't even get mad at people.

People only seem to see the clown in me.

People lived longer in those times.

It only makes people laugh even more!

Very few people had decided to accompany him.

We worry about what people think of us.

I feel a bit jealous of sad and angry people.

There are often people protesting in my city.

I sometimes get requests from people in the park.

Plus, I don't need them to bite people's neck.

We have stopped voting for people a long time ago.

It was a beautiful place with very warm people.

The people here are incredibly optimistic and cheerful.

The people, astonished, listened to the beautiful melody.

People are not allowed to travel to another country.

People are only allowed to speak one of five languages.

There isn't a lot of people working Friday nights.

I would see all the people and tiny buildings on the ground.

I have seen people laugh at my jokes for three decades.

There will always be people who will disagree with us.

She found it difficult to meet people in her busy life.

But I don't like the look people give me when I smile.

I love to see people's expressions when they enjoy my art.

Can you imagine walking in the city through lots of people?

I also meet lots of very nice and interesting people.

There are forums where people can discuss any topic.

Most people on the site had only a few blurry pictures.

I start asking people around me if they have seen my dog.

People shouted: Get that donkey out of here, he can't compete!

I regret not spending more time with the people I love.

Believe it or not, people used to throw everything on the street.

It would be nice to shed a tear without people laughing.

She knew that ordinary people could also learn languages.

People often try to understand the story behind my paintings.

The problem is that people start laughing at everything I say.

People around us are more and more annoyed by our discussion: Shh!

Many people attended that day because the school was very large.

This surprised a lot of people, but to him, it seemed very simple and natural.

There are people on the internet who give effective recipes with home ingredients.

All the competitors were getting ready and people were laughing at Edward's ugly shoes.

Maybe it's because their parents or people in their family are not nice to them.

I realize that meeting interesting people is one of the best things about traveling.

I also ask him if he would accept to take people in swimsuits and still a little wet.

At first, many people resisted for fear of the legends told by the residents of the area.

Sometimes, it's nice to let go of our electronics and have a good time with the people we love.

He had worked as a lumberjack forever and most of the people had hired him at some point or another.