How to say People in Italian?
What does Gente mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

People is translated in Italian by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

There aren't a lot of people at the movie theatre.

I have known (met) a lot of people at the party.
More Example Sentences.

People laugh at everything I say.

People lived longer in those times.

People only seem to see the clown in me.

We worry about what people think of us.

It was a beautiful place with very warm people.

Plus, I don't need them to bite people's neck.

But I don't like the look people give me when I smile.

I have seen people laugh at my jokes for three decades.

She knew that ordinary people could also learn languages.

People are only allowed to speak one of five languages.

I have read in history books that people used to travel.

People often try to understand the story behind my paintings.

The problem is that people start laughing at everything I say.

People shouted: Get that donkey out of here, he can't compete!

Believe it or not, people used to throw everything on the street.

All the competitors were getting ready and people were laughing at Edward's ugly shoes.