Learn Spanish: Physical Traits

Spanish translations with examples in context, native recordings and images.

Learn Spanish Physical Traits
Los rasgos físicos (m)
Physical traits

¿Puedes describir sus rasgos físicos?
Can you describe his physical traits?
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Guapo (m) / Guapa (f)

Rosa es la más guapa del curso.
Rosa is the prettiest (the most pretty) in the class.
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Feo (m) / Fea (f)

Sara dijo: Lily, ese tipo es demasiado feo para ti.
Sara said: Lily, that guy is too ugly for you.
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Delgado (m) / Delgada (f)

Ahora está delgado, perdió 60 libras.
He's thin now, he lost 60 pounds.
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Gordo (m) / Gorda (f)

Es gordo y pesado. No podía respirar.
He's fat and heavy. I couldn't breathe.
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Flaco (m) / Flaca (f)

Eres muy flaca.
You are too skinny.
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Bajo (m) / Baja (f)

Él es alto, ella es baja.
He is tall, she is short.
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Alto (m) / Alta (f)

¿Quién es el más alto?
Who is the tallest?
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Joven (m) / Joven (f)

Él es demasiado joven para decidir.
He is too young to decide.
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Viejo (m) / Vieja (f)

Esa tortuga es muy vieja.
That turtle is very old.
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Pecas (m)

Amo sus pecas.
I love her freckles.
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Cabello rubio (m)
Blond hair

Mi madre tiene cabello rubio.
My mother has blond hair.
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Cabello moreno (m)
Brown hair

Muchas personas tienen cabello moreno.
Many people have brown hair.
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Pelirrojo (m) / Pelirroja (f)
Red hair

¿Julia es pelirroja?
Is Julia a red head?
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Ojos marrones (m)
Brown eyes

Amo sus ojos marrones.
I love her brown eyes.
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Ojos verdes (m)
Green eyes

Sus ojos verdes son hermosos.
Her green eyes are beautiful.
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Ojos azules (m)
Blue eyes

Amo a las personas con ojos azules.
I love people with blue eyes.
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