How to say Pie in German?

What does Kuchen mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Pie” in German? What is the meaning of “Kuchen”?

Pie is translated in German by...

Der Kuchen (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Du hast einen Apfelkuchen gemacht.
You made an apple pie.
Deine Mutter backt dir einen Obstkuchen.
Your mother is baking a pie for you.

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Sie hat das größte Stück des Kuchens bekommen.
She got the biggest piece of the cake.
Die Kuchenstücke waren exakt gleich groß.
The pieces of cake were exactly the same size.
Der Kuchen ist fertig.
The pie is ready.
Ich backe dir einen Kuchen.
I'll bake you a pie.
Hast du den Kuchen wirklich selbst gebacken?
Did you really bake the pie by yourself?


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