How to say Pig in German?
What does Schwein mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Pig is translated in German by...
Das Schwein
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Der Bauer gibt dem Schwein eine Zwiebel. Der Bauer gibt ihm eine Zwiebel.
The farmer gives an onion to the pig. The farmer gives an onion to it.
The farmer gives an onion to the pig. The farmer gives an onion to it.
More Example Sentences.
Sie hatte eine Auswahl an Tieren: Kühe, Pferde, Schweine, Hühner und Truthähne.
She had a variety of animals such as cows, horses, pigs, chickens and turkeys.
She had a variety of animals such as cows, horses, pigs, chickens and turkeys.
Schweine sind sehr intelligent.
Pigs are very intelligent.
Pigs are very intelligent.
Er hat ein Schwein in seiner Wohnung.
He has a pig in his apartment.
He has a pig in his apartment.
In seiner Wohnung ist ein Schwein.
There is a pig in his apartment.
There is a pig in his apartment.