How to say Pink in French?

What does Rose mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Pink” in French? What is the meaning of “Rose”?

Pink is translated in French by...

Rose (m) / Rose (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Leurs robes sont roses.
Their dresses are pink.
Un canard sur dix est rose.
One duck out of ten is pink.
Toutes les fleurs sont de la même couleur, sauf la rose.
All the flowers are the same color but/except the pink one.
Je porterais les chaussures roses, mais elles sont trop grandes pour moi.
I would wear the pink shoes, but they are too big for me.

More Example Sentences.

Le rose est ma couleur préférée.
Pink is my favorite color.
En Inde, le rose est la couleur de la masculinité.
In India, pink is the color of masculinity.
Le rose est la couleur de nombreuses fleurs printanières.
Pink is the color of many spring flowers.


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