How to say Places in Italian?
What does Luoghi mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Places is translated in Italian by...
I luoghi (m)
Example Sentences in Context.
Viaggerei, esplorerei e scoprirei molti luoghi nuovi.
I would travel, explore and discover lots of new places.
I would travel, explore and discover lots of new places.
Mi piace perdermi in campagna e scoprire luoghi sconosciuti.
I like to get lost in the country and discover unknown places.
I like to get lost in the country and discover unknown places.
Mi consiglia buoni ristoranti, attività, alberghi e anche alcuni piccoli luoghi nascosti.
She recommends me good restaurants, activities, hotels and even some small hidden places.
She recommends me good restaurants, activities, hotels and even some small hidden places.
Hanno attraversato fiumi, coltivazioni di fragole, campi di fiori e luoghi di maestosa bellezza.
They crossed rivers, strawberry crops, flower fields, and places full of majestic beauty.
They crossed rivers, strawberry crops, flower fields, and places full of majestic beauty.
L'ecologista esperto aveva già lavorato in molti luoghi in passato, ad esempio mari, fiumi e montagne.
The experienced ecologist had worked in many places in the past, such as seas, rivers, and mountains.
The experienced ecologist had worked in many places in the past, such as seas, rivers, and mountains.