How to say Poor in Spanish?

What does Pobre mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Poor” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Pobre”?

Poor is translated in Spanish by...

Pobre (m) / Pobre (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Ellos ayudan a alimentar a la gente pobre.
They help feed poor people.

More Example Sentences.

Tal vez estamos destinados a ser pobres.
Maybe we're destined to be poor.
Muchos son pobres y viven en condiciones inestables.
Many of them are poor and live in unstable conditions.
La mayoría de los habitantes del pueblo eran muy pobres.
Most of the inhabitants in the village were very poor.
Decidieron ayudar a los pobres, como Isabela lo había hecho antes.
They decided to help the poor just like Isabela had done before.
A pesar de su pobre condición física, Alex era extremadamente fuerte.
Despite his poor physical condition, Alex was extremely strong.


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