How to say Possible in Spanish?

What does Posible mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Possible” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Posible”?

Possible is translated in Spanish by...

Posible (m) / Posible (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

¿Cómo es posible?
How is that possible?
No estoy segura, pero es posible.
I am not sure, but it's possible.
Si es posible, antes de las once.
If possible, before eleven o'clock.
Si es posible, el domingo por la tarde.
Sunday afternoon, if possible.
Es posible que tú estés cansado.
It is possible that you are tired.
Para ahora mismo, lo más pronto posible, por favor.
For now, as soon as possible, please.
Cualquier cosa es posible cuando te lo propones.
Anything is possible when you set your mind to it.

More Example Sentences.

No entiendo cómo eso podría ser posible.
I don't understand how that could be possible.
Intentaron hacer el menor ruido posible.
They tried to make as little noise as possible.
¡Iré con toda la energía y positividad posible!
I will go with as much energy and positivity as possible!
Si encuentran al perro, me llamarán lo antes posible.
If the dog is found, I'll be called as soon as possible.
Sentí la necesidad de conducir una motocicleta lo antes posible.
I felt the need to ride a motorcycle as soon as possible.
Le pregunto: ¿Cómo es posible que el otro lado de la isla sea tan diferente en términos de lluvia?
I ask her: How is it possible that the other side of the island is so different in terms of rainfall?


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