How to say Quickly in German?
What does Schnell mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Quickly is translated in German by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

The cheetah runs quickly.

The car is accelerating quickly.

She quickly left the building to have lunch.

He knew what to do to extinguish the fire quickly.

You will advance very quickly if you keep working so well.
More Example Sentences.

Time passed by so quickly!

I go back home quickly.

I quickly go to his rescue.

They quickly carried Adam back home.

She quickly found hundreds of pictures of the man.

Abel quickly replied: What a stupid experiment!

Tom quickly told him that he was at the cabin with Noah.

Nolan quickly realized that the object was a different color.

He quickly told his teacher that he could play the piano.

Clementine turned around quickly and ran to see what was happening.

The city girl quickly began to develop feelings for the generous boy.

I have to get back to work quickly, or else my boss will notice that I'm gone.

Tom's father quickly went to warn Noah's father and they went out to look for their sons.

Don Manuel began to think and quickly said: Billy, you'll be the one to compete in the race!