How to say Raccoon in Spanish?

What does Mapache mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Raccoon” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Mapache”?

Raccoon is translated in Spanish by...

El mapache (m)

Example Sentences in Context.

El mapache se fue.
The raccoon ran away.
No puedo hablar mapache.
I can't speak raccoon.
Qué terco, este mapache.
He's stubborn, that raccoon.
El mapache no quiere irse.
The raccoon doesn't want to leave at all.
El mapache me mira con ojos amenazantes.
The raccoon looks at me with menacing eyes.
Siempre había pensado que los mapaches eran lindos.
I always thought raccoons were cute.
Intento decirle que se vaya: ¡Vete, mapache!
I try to tell him to leave: Go away, raccoon!
Voy por la manguera de jardín y trato de rociar al mapache.
I go get the garden hose and try spraying the raccoon.
Me encuentro cara a cara con un mapache que no está feliz de verme.
I fall face to face with a raccoon who is not happy to see me at all.
¿Pero qué voy a hacer si ese mapache ha decidido hacer su hogar en mi cobertizo?
But what am I going to do if that raccoon has decided to make my shed his home?


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