How to say Racing in French?

What does Course mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Race” in French? What is the meaning of “Course”?

Racing is translated in French by...

La course (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Tu perdras la course.
You will lose the race.
Qui gagnera la course?
Who will win the race?
Tu gagnes toujours la course.
You always win the race.
Vous avez fini la course en premier.
You finished the race first.
Il a félicité le gagnant de la course.
He congratulated the winner of the race.
Elles s'entraînent pour la prochaine course.
They are training (themselves) for the next race.
Je gagnerais la course si ma jambe n'était pas cassée.
I would win the race if my leg weren't broken.

More Example Sentences.

Il m'a emmené voir une course de moto.
He took me to see a motorcycle race.
Ils attendaient le départ de la course.
They were waiting for the race to start.
Il est rapidement devenu le dernier de la course.
He quickly became last in the race.
Il savait que ce ne serait jamais assez pour gagner la course.
He knew that it would never be enough to win the race.
C'était une course de 1000 mètres et Billy le petit âne était le dernier.
It was a 1000-meter race and Billy the little donkey was last.
Edward était très médiocre dans tous les sports, y compris la course de 400 mètres.
Edward was very average in all sports, including the 400-meter race.
Elles lui allaient parfaitement, mais sa mère lui a interdit de les porter avant la course.
They were a perfect fit, but his mother forbade him from wearing them before the race.
Après avoir observé les chevaux pendant un moment, ils ont discuté du meilleur choix pour la course.
After taking a look at the horses for a while, they discussed about the best choice for the race.
Son ami, très perplexe, a demandé: Es-tu vraiment certain de vouloir que Billy participe à cette course?
His friend, very perplexed, asked: Are you really sure you want Billy to compete in this race?
Don Manuel a commencé à réfléchir et a rapidement dit: Billy, tu seras celui qui va participer à la course!
Don Manuel began to think and quickly said: Billy, you'll be the one to compete in the race!
Je suis maintenant amateur de chevaux, mon pur-sang participe à une course chaque semaine et je gagne ma vie comme ça.
I am now a horse fan, my thoroughbred competes in a race every week and that's how I make a living.


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