How to say Racing in German?
What does Rennen mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Racing is translated in German by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

You always win the race.

Who will win the race?

You will probably lose the race.

He congratulated the winner of the race.

If my leg weren't broken, I would win the race.
More Example Sentences.

He became last in the race.

They were waiting for the race to start.

Why not choose one of them to race?

He took me to see a motorcycle race.

He knew that it would never be enough to win the race.

It was a 1000-meter race and Billy the little donkey was last.

Don Manuel began to think and quickly said: Billy, you'll be the one to compete in the race!

His friend, very perplexed, asked: Are you really sure you want Billy to compete in this race?

After taking a look at the horses for a while, they discussed about the best choice for the race.