How to say Racing in Spanish?

What does Carreras mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Race” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Carrera”?

Racing is translated in Spanish by...

Las carreras (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Ella ha ganado la carrera.
She has won the race.
¿Quién ganará la carrera?
Who will win the race?
Tú siempre ganas la carrera.
You always win the race.
Probablemente tú perderás la carrera.
You will probably lose the race.
Él felicitó al ganador de la carrera.
He congratulated the winner of the race.
Ellas se entrenan para la próxima carrera.
They are training (themselves) for the next race.
Si no tuviera una pierna rota, ganaría la carrera.
If I didn't have a broken leg, I would win the race.

More Example Sentences.

Me llevó a ver una carrera de motos.
He took me to see a motorcycle race.
Esperaban que comenzara la carrera.
They were waiting for the race to start.
Sabía que nunca sería suficiente para ganar la carrera.
He knew that it would never be enough to win the race.
Cuando comenzó la carrera, Edward corrió con todas sus fuerzas.
When the race started, Edward ran with all his might.
Era una carrera de 1,000 metros y Billy el burro estaba último.
It was a 1000-meter race and Billy the little donkey was last.
Edward era un deportista promedio, incluso en la carrera de 400 metros.
Edward was very average in all sports, including the 400-meter race.
Le quedaban perfectos, pero su madre le prohibió usarlos antes de la carrera.
They were a perfect fit, but his mother forbade him from wearing them before the race.
Don Manuel comenzó a pensar y rápidamente dijo: Billy, ¡tú competirás en la carrera!
Don Manuel began to think and quickly said: Billy, you'll be the one to compete in the race!
Su amigo, muy perplejo, le preguntó: ¿Estás seguro de que quieres que Billy compita en esta carrera?
His friend, very perplexed, asked: Are you really sure you want Billy to compete in this race?
Después de echarles un vistazo a los caballos por un buen rato, discutieron la mejor opción para la carrera.
After taking a look at the horses for a while, they discussed about the best choice for the race.
Ahora soy fanático de los caballos, mi pura sangre compite en una carrera todas las semanas y así me gano la vida.
I am now a horse fan, my thoroughbred competes in a race every week and that's how I make a living.
Sin embargo, cuando Don Manuel entró a buscar al caballo el día de la carrera, notó que se veía enfermo.
However, when Don Manuel went in to look for the horse on the day of the race, he noticed that he seemed sick.


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