How to say Rain in French?

What does Pluie mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Rain” in French? What is the meaning of “Pluie”?

Rain is translated in French by...

La pluie (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Ils annoncent de la pluie?
It's forecast to rain?

More Example Sentences.

On annonce de la pluie toute la semaine!
Rain is on the forecast all week!
Il doit être sous la pluie à trembler de peur.
He must be in the rain trembling with fear.
La pluie, comme les moments difficiles, ne dure jamais pour toujours.
Rain, like hard times, never lasts forever.
Son bateau a commencé à se remplir d'eau à cause de la forte pluie.
His boat began filling with water due to the heavy rain.
Seulement 10 minutes s'étaient écoulées quand le vent a commencé à souffler violemment, accompagné de fortes pluies.
Only 10 minutes had passed when the wind began to blow violently, accompanied by heavy rain.


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