How to say Really in Spanish?

What does Realmente mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Really” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Realmente”?

Really is translated in Spanish by...


Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

¿Es realmente necesario?
Is that really necessary?
A mí realmente no me gusta bailar...
I don't really like dancing...
Este árbol es realmente grande.
This tree is really tall.
Realmente me gusta correr con ellos.
I really like to run with them.
Él realmente no quiere despertarse.
He really doesn't want to wake up.
¿Alguna vez fuiste mi amiga, realmente?
Were you ever really my friend?
A él realmente le gusta hablar en público.
He really likes speaking in public.
Realmente no escuché y se me olvidó todo.
I didn't really listen and I forgot everything.
Él quiere realmente ganar el partido de fútbol.
He really wants to win the football game.
Nosotros queremos realmente ganar en el videojuego.
We really want to win in the video game.
¡Sí, lo es! ¡Su pronunciación suena realmente extraña!
Yes, it is! Their pronunciation sounds really strange!

More Example Sentences.

Realmente lo amo.
I really love him.
¿Quién era realmente?
Who was he really?
Realmente parezco un loco.
I looked really crazy.
Es realmente impresionante.
It's really impressive.
La gente es realmente agradable.
People are really nice.
Mi perro realmente necesita ejercitase.
My dog really needs exercise.
¡Estos macarrones están realmente buenos!
This macaroni is really good!
Realmente espero ser una buena madre.
I really hope to be a good mother.
Realmente me gusta irme antes del amanecer.
I really like to leave before sunrise.
Realmente parecían zapatos de adulto en la imagen.
They really looked like grown-up shoes in the picture.
Cuando está despierto, mi esposo es un hombre realmente agradable.
When he is awake, my husband is a really nice man.
Realmente me gusta cuando los senderos se ven un poco más rústicos.
I really like when the trails are a bit more rustic.
Realmente no tengo ganas de salir, pero sé que le hará bien.
I don't really feel like going for a walk, but I know it would do him some good.
Es realmente hermoso ver el entusiasmo que tiene cuando llega al parque.
It's really beautiful to see the enthusiasm he has when he arrives at the park.
Todos los días se preguntaban: ¿Realmente estamos haciendo las cosas bien con Max?
They asked themselves every day: Are we really doing things right with Max?
Sin embargo, Isabela nunca perdió la paciencia porque realmente amaba a sus hermanas.
However, Isabela never lost her patience, because she really loved her sisters.
Realmente quería tener éxito y entrenaba en la escuela con sus amigos todas las tardes.
He really wanted to succeed and trained at school with his friends every afternoon.
Sin embargo, sabía que aún no sería suficiente si realmente quería ganar el torneo.
However, he knew that it still wouldn't be enough if he really wanted to win the tournament.


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