How to say River in Italian?
What does Fiume mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

River is translated in Italian by...

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The river is low.

They used to go canoeing in the river.

You will find small fish in the river.

We played in the forest and then we crossed the river.
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The canoe docks on the river bank.

I often see deer on the river bank.

They crossed the riverbank looking for animals.

They crossed the river slowly and stealthily.

Or take a walk in the forest along the river?

They had to cross the river and walk through a dark wooded area.

They lived with their parents on the edge of a huge river.

I decide to take on a 15-kilometer hike along the Ratawake River.

But after about ten minutes, I see a canoe on the river in the distance.

There were very few inhabitants on the river's bank, so everyone knew each other.

The experienced ecologist had worked in many places in the past, such as seas, rivers, and mountains.

They agreed to meet at the place where they had to cross the river at two in the afternoon.