How to say Sad in Italian?

What does Triste mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Sad” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Triste”?

Sad is translated in Italian by...

Triste (m) / Triste (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Non sono né triste né arrabbiato.
I am neither sad nor angry.
Se dovessi andartene, lei sarebbe triste.
If you were to leave, she would be sad.

More Example Sentences.

Sono molto triste.
I'm very sad.
Mi sento terribilmente triste.
I feel terribly sad.
Sono un po' geloso delle persone tristi e arrabbiate.
I feel a bit jealous of sad and angry people.
Cerco di sembrare triste e depresso.
I try to look sad and depressed.
Certo, mi sto trasferendo e questo mi rende un po' triste.
Sure, I'm moving away and that makes me a little sad.
Mettevano in questione il loro ruolo come genitori, cosa che li rendeva molto tristi.
They questioned their role as parents, which made them feel very sad.


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