How to say Safe in Italian?
What does Sicuro mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Safe is translated in Italian by...
Sicuro (m) / Sicura (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
È sicuro camminare per la città di notte?
Is it safe to walk around the city at night?
Is it safe to walk around the city at night?
More Example Sentences.
Non era affatto sicuro.
This wasn't safe at all.
This wasn't safe at all.
Non preoccuparti, è un Paese molto sicuro per una giovane donna.
Don't worry, it's a very safe country for a young woman.
Don't worry, it's a very safe country for a young woman.
Ha insegnato a Hugo come trarre vantaggio dalle miniere nel modo più sicuro.
He showed Hugo how to exploit the mines in the safest way.
He showed Hugo how to exploit the mines in the safest way.
Nonostante la tempesta, tutta la mia famiglia è al caldo e al sicuro in casa.
Despite the storm, my whole family is warm and safe in the house.
Despite the storm, my whole family is warm and safe in the house.
Ha camminato come meglio poteva fino a quando non ha trovato un posto sicuro per passare la notte.
He walked as best he could until he could find a safe place to spend the night.
He walked as best he could until he could find a safe place to spend the night.