How to say Sausage in German?

What does Wurst mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Sausage” in German? What is the meaning of “Wurst”?

Sausage is translated in German by...

Die Wurst (f)

Example Sentences in Context.

Eines Samstagmorgens hatte ein Koch namens Simon, wie üblich, seinen Wagen voll mit Fleisch, Wurst und Schinken.
One Saturday morning, a cook named Simon had, as usual, his cart full of meats, sausages and ham.
Würste sind ungesund.
Sausages are unhealthy.
Wie viele Würste brauchen wir?
How many sausages do we need?
Bevorzugen Sie Speck oder Wurst?
Do you prefer bacon or sausage?


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