How to say Sausage in Spanish?
What does Salchicha mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Sausage is translated in Spanish by...
La salchicha (f)
Example Sentences in Context.
Un sábado por la mañana, un cocinero llamado Simón tenía, como de costumbre, un carrito lleno de carnes, salchichas y jamón.
One Saturday morning, a cook named Simon had, as usual, his cart full of meats, sausages and ham.
One Saturday morning, a cook named Simon had, as usual, his cart full of meats, sausages and ham.
Las salchichas no son saludables.
Sausages are unhealthy.
Sausages are unhealthy.
¿Cuántas salchichas necesitamos?
How many sausages do we need?
How many sausages do we need?
¿Prefieres el tocino o la salchicha?
Do you prefer bacon or sausage?
Do you prefer bacon or sausage?