How to say School in German?
What does Schule mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

School is translated in German by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

You like school?

We are going to school.

Do your children go to school yet?

He is very popular at school.

They leave school at three thirty.

Hi Lena! How was your day at school?

I begin school tomorrow morning.

Because I didn't go to school today.

Every day I go to school with you.

He is happy to go back to school.

We are going to school with our children.

I was accompanying my brother to school.

But that's no reason to skip school...

You will pass the school on your right.

Yes. My oldest son goes to school at the moment.

You skipped school?! Why? What is wrong?

If you weren't sick, you would go to school.

When you were young, you loved to go to school

Don't you like the school? Are they treating you bad?

They learn a lot of interesting things at school.

If it were five o'clock, I would leave the school.

Paul and Barbara go to the restaurant after school.

Miss Müller is the worst teacher in the school.

No, the school is great. I do quite well there.

If school were over, they would go back home.

Then why won't you tell me how your day at school was?

You were forcing me to go to school, even though I was tired.

You had realized that it was time for you to go back to school.
More Example Sentences.

A bad day at school.

No need to go to school.

My son's already off to school!

I think you'll love school.

You're going to be late for school!

You're off to school in a month and a half!

She's not old enough to go to school yet.

But I'm tired, I don't want to go to school.

You'll see, school is very different from daycare.

There will also be many difficult times in school.

I don't have school on Saturdays, but my mom has to work.

That's what we learn in school from a very young age.

The good news is that I don't have to go to school today.

Many people attended that day because the school was very large.

They were in the same school and they were in the same science class.

Will you play a music instrument or will you be a little genius in school?

Nevertheless, he didn't get good grades in school and didn't have any discipline.

He had been a victim of bullying in school because he was a chubby little boy.

They could only go to school and do their homework, since everything else was forbidden.

He really wanted to succeed and trained at school with his friends every afternoon.

Despite not being among the best in his school, Edward was always within the team's ranks.

It would be a classical music concert and, of course, would involve the best voices of the school.