How to say Science in Italian?
What does Scienza mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Science is translated in Italian by...
La scienza (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Sto studiando scienze nucleari.
I am studying nuclear science.
I am studying nuclear science.
Loro stanno andando a scrivere un libro di scienza.
They are going to write a science book.
They are going to write a science book.
Gli insegneremmo la scienza, ma preferisce imparare da solo.
We would teach him science, but he prefers to learn by himself.
We would teach him science, but he prefers to learn by himself.
More Example Sentences.
Il giorno dopo, ha portato l'oggetto alla lezione di scienze.
The next day, she brought the object in the science class.
The next day, she brought the object in the science class.
Frequentavano la stessa scuola ed erano nella stessa classe di scienze.
They were in the same school and they were in the same science class.
They were in the same school and they were in the same science class.
Lily non ha pensato all'incidente finché non ha rivisto il giovane uomo nella sua nuova classe di scienze.
Lily didn't think of the accident again until she saw the young man again in her new science class.
Lily didn't think of the accident again until she saw the young man again in her new science class.