How to say Seat in Italian?
What does Sedile mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Seat is translated in Italian by...
Il sedile (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Sei rimasta seduta per 16 ore sul sedile dell'aereo?
You were sitting for 16 hours in your seat in the airplane?
You were sitting for 16 hours in your seat in the airplane?
More Example Sentences.
Comincio controllando per vedere se è sul sedile.
I start by looking if it's on the seat.
I start by looking if it's on the seat.
Cerco l'anello e lo trovo subito sotto il mio sedile.
I look for the ring and immediately find it under my seat.
I look for the ring and immediately find it under my seat.
Il treno è molto comodo. I sedili sono ampi e c'è l'aria condizionata.
The train is very comfortable. The seats are large and there is air conditioning.
The train is very comfortable. The seats are large and there is air conditioning.