How to say Seat in Spanish?
What does Asiento mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

Seat is translated in Spanish by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

I straighten my seat.

All the seats are empty.

I would like a window seat.

You have seat 20A and flight 102.

...Straighten your seat for takeoff...

Do you prefer an aisle or a window seat?

You were sitting for 16 hours in your seat in the airplane?
More Example Sentences.

I start by looking if it's on the seat.

The seats are large and there is air conditioning.

It's hard to sneak through people to get to our seats.

I look for the ring and immediately find it under my seat.

This bed is certainly more comfortable than an airplane seat!

The train is already there, I sit comfortably in my seat and wait.

To us, it's not worth paying much more for closer seats.

However, the seats are very small and there is very little legroom.