How to say Serious in Spanish?

What does Serio mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Serious” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Serio”?

Serious is translated in Spanish by...

Serio (m) / Seria (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Usted se reirá cuando deje de ser tan serio.
You will laugh when you stop being so serious.

More Example Sentences.

¿Habla en serio?
Is he serious?
Tengo un serio problema.
I have a serious problem.
Trato de hablar en serio.
I am trying to be serious.
No sé cómo hacer para que me tomen en serio.
I don't know how to be taken seriously anymore.
Cualquier ser humano serio las usaría al máximo.
Any serious human would use them to the fullest.
Alex aceptó la propuesta del entrenador para entrenarse más en serio.
Alex accepted the coach's proposition to train more seriously.
Alex nunca había querido entrenar en serio porque no tenía suficiente confianza.
Alex had never wanted to train seriously because he wasn't confident enough.


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