How to say Seriously in German?

What does Ernsthaft mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Seriously” in German? What is the meaning of “Ernsthaft”?

Seriously is translated in German by...


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Sie arbeiten ernsthaft.
They are working seriously.

More Example Sentences.

Ich weiß sofort, dass ich ernsthaft verletzt bin.
I immediately know that I am seriously injured.
Was werde ich tun, wenn der Arzt mir sagt, dass ich ernsthaft krank bin?
What will I do if the doctor tells me I am seriously ill?
Alex akzeptierte das Angebot des Trainers, ernsthafter zu trainieren.
Alex accepted the coach's proposition to train more seriously.
Alex hatte nie ernsthaft trainieren wollen, weil er sich nicht selbstbewusst genug fühlte.
Alex had never wanted to train seriously because he didn't feel confident enough.


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