How to say Short in French?

What does Petit mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Short” in French? What is the meaning of “Petit”?

Short is translated in French by...

Petit (m) / Petite (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Il est grand, elle est petite.
He is tall, she is short.
Le petit président, La petite présidente
The short president
Tu es plus petit que tout le monde.
You are shorter (more short) than everyone.

More Example Sentences.

Juste une petite promenade.
Just a short walk.
Mateo avait un petit espace sur la scène pour jouer une courte chanson au piano.
Mateo had a small space on stage to play a short song on the piano.
Il n'avait jamais réussi à gagner, mais il n'avait été battu que par de petites distances.
He had never managed to win, but he had only been beaten by short distances.


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