How to say Short in German?
What does Kurz mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Short is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ihre Haare sind kurz.
Her hair is short.
Her hair is short.
Sie schreibt eine Kurzgeschichte für ihren Deutschunterricht.
She is writing a short story for her German class.
She is writing a short story for her German class.
More Example Sentences.
Nur ein kurzer Spaziergang.
Just a short walk.
Just a short walk.
Die Sommer hier sind kurz.
The summers are short here.
The summers are short here.
Mateo hatte einen kleinen Platz auf der Bühne, um ein kurzes Lied auf dem Klavier zu spielen.
Mateo had a small space on stage to play a short song on the piano.
Mateo had a small space on stage to play a short song on the piano.