How to say Show in Italian?
What does Spettacolo mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Show is translated in Italian by...
Lo spettacolo (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Io vorrei ballare in uno spettacolo.
I would like to dance in a show.
I would like to dance in a show.
Io ballerò nello spettacolo stasera.
I will dance in the show tonight.
I will dance in the show tonight.
Lei è stata contenta di vedere lo spettacolo.
She was happy to see the show.
She was happy to see the show.
Ho un biglietto per lo spettacolo di questa sera.
I have a ticket for the show tonight.
I have a ticket for the show tonight.
Voi applaudite alla fine di un ottimo spettacolo.
You are applauding at the end of a very good show.
You are applauding at the end of a very good show.
Quando guardi un film o uno spettacolo, attiva i sottotitoli nella tua lingua.
When you watch a movie or show, turn on the subtitles in your language.
When you watch a movie or show, turn on the subtitles in your language.
More Example Sentences.
Guardate lo spettacolo!
Watch the show!
Watch the show!
Lo spettacolo inizia!
The show's starting!
The show's starting!
Lo troverò dopo lo spettacolo.
We'll find it after the show.
We'll find it after the show.
Non riesco più a godermi lo spettacolo.
I can no longer enjoy the show.
I can no longer enjoy the show.
La seconda parte dello spettacolo sarà molto più piacevole, credo.
The second part of the show will be much more enjoyable, I think.
The second part of the show will be much more enjoyable, I think.
Oggi finalmente andrò a vedere lo spettacolo che volevo vedere da mesi.
Today, I'm finally going to see the show I've been wanting to see for months.
Today, I'm finally going to see the show I've been wanting to see for months.
Gioco con la mia fede nuziale e mi cade nel bel mezzo dello spettacolo!
I play around with my wedding ring and I drop it right in the middle of the show!
I play around with my wedding ring and I drop it right in the middle of the show!
Guardo lo spettacolo, ma mi chiedo solo se troverò la mia fede nuziale.
I watch the show, but I just keep wondering if I'm going to find my wedding ring again.
I watch the show, but I just keep wondering if I'm going to find my wedding ring again.