How to say Shy in French?

What does Timide mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Shy” in French? What is the meaning of “Timide”?

Shy is translated in French by...

Timide (m) / Timide (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Il leur parlerait s'il n'était pas timide.
He would talk to them if he weren't shy.
Elle jouerait avec les autres enfants, mais elle est très timide.
She would play with the other kids, but she is very shy.

More Example Sentences.

Harry n'était pas du genre timide.
Harry was not the shy type.
À cause de son incapacité, il avait un sentiment d'infériorité qui le rendait timide.
Because of his incapacity, he had a feeling of inferiority that made him shy.


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