How to say Shy in German?
What does Schüchtern mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Shy is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Wenn er nicht schüchtern wäre, würde er zu ihnen sprechen.
If he weren't shy, he would talk to them.
If he weren't shy, he would talk to them.
Wenn sie nicht so schüchtern wäre, würde sie mit den anderen Kindern spielen.
If she weren't so shy, she would play with the other kids.
If she weren't so shy, she would play with the other kids.
More Example Sentences.
Harry war kein schüchterner Typ. Er arbeitete als Naturführer in den Bergen.
Harry was not the shy type. He worked as a nature tour guide in the mountains.
Harry was not the shy type. He worked as a nature tour guide in the mountains.
Aufgrund seiner Unfähigkeit hatte er ein Gefühl von Minderwertigkeit, das ihn schüchtern machte.
Because of his incapacity, he had a feeling of inferiority that made him shy.
Because of his incapacity, he had a feeling of inferiority that made him shy.