How to say Shy in Italian?
What does Timido mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Shy is translated in Italian by...
Timido (m) / Timida (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Se non fosse timido, lui parlerebbe con loro.
If he weren't shy, he would talk to them.
If he weren't shy, he would talk to them.
Se non fosse così timida, lei giocherebbe con gli altri bambini.
If she weren't so shy, she would play with the other kids.
If she weren't so shy, she would play with the other kids.
More Example Sentences.
Harry non era un tipo timido.
Harry was not the shy type.
Harry was not the shy type.
Vedo spesso cervi sulla riva del fiume. Non sono affatto timidi.
I often see deer on the river bank. They're not shy at all.
I often see deer on the river bank. They're not shy at all.
A causa della sua disabilità, provava un senso di inferiorità che lo rendeva timido.
Because of his incapacity, he had a feeling of inferiority that made him shy.
Because of his incapacity, he had a feeling of inferiority that made him shy.