How to say Shy in Spanish?

What does Tímido mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Shy” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Tímido”?

Shy is translated in Spanish by...

Tímido (m) / Tímida (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Si no fuera tímido, él les hablaría.
If he weren't shy, he would talk to them.
Si no fuera tan tímida, ella jugaría con otros niños.
If she weren't so shy, she would play with the other kids.

More Example Sentences.

No son para nada tímidos.
They're not shy at all.
Harry no era un tipo tímido.
Harry was not the shy type.
Debido a su discapacidad, se sentía inferior, lo cual lo hacía sentir tímido.
Because of his incapacity, he had a feeling of inferiority that made him shy.


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