How to say Sink in German?

What does Waschbecken mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Sink” in German? What is the meaning of “Waschbecken”?

Sink is translated in German by...

Das Waschbecken

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Der Klempner hat mein Waschbecken reparieren können.
The plumber was able to fix my sink.

More Example Sentences.

Es gibt viele Gerichte in das Waschbecken.
There are lots of dishes in the sink.
Waschen Sie Ihre Hände in der Spüle.
Wash you hands in the sink.
Das Waschbecken ist verstopft.
The bathroom sink is clogged.
Er putzt das Waschbecken.
He is cleaning the bathroom sink.


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