How to say Sister in German?
What does Schwester mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Sister is translated in German by...
Die Schwester (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Kennst du meine Schwester?
Do you know my sister?
Do you know my sister?
Hast du Brüder oder Schwestern?
Do you have brothers or sisters?
Do you have brothers or sisters?
Ihre Schwester hilft der alten Dame.
Your sister is helping the old lady.
Your sister is helping the old lady.
Mein Bruder und meine Schwester haben ein Auto.
My brother and my sister have a car.
My brother and my sister have a car.
Ja, ich habe einen Bruder und zwei Schwestern. Und du?
Yes, I have a brother and two sisters. And you?
Yes, I have a brother and two sisters. And you?
Er gibt seiner kleinen Schwester ein Weihnachtsgeschenk.
He is giving a Christmas gift to his little sister.
He is giving a Christmas gift to his little sister.
Du lehrst gern deiner Schwester die deutsche Sprache.
You are gladly teaching the German language to your sister.
You are gladly teaching the German language to your sister.
Kein Bruder. Ich habe eine Schwester, aber ich habe keinen Bruder.
No brother. I have a sister, but I have no brother.
No brother. I have a sister, but I have no brother.
More Example Sentences.
Die Schwestern gingen und fühlten sich miserabel.
The sisters left feeling miserable.
The sisters left feeling miserable.
Meine kleine Schwester guckt eine Kindersendung im Fernsehen.
My little sister watches a children's show on TV.
My little sister watches a children's show on TV.
Meine kleine Schwester weint, weil sie die Sendung nicht länger sehen kann.
My little sister is crying because she can no longer watch her show.
My little sister is crying because she can no longer watch her show.
Ich höre meine Mutter, meinen Vater und meine Schwester zur gleichen Zeit schreien!
I hear my mother, my father and my sister screaming at the same time!
I hear my mother, my father and my sister screaming at the same time!
Jedoch verlor Isabela niemals ihre Geduld, weil sie ihre Schwestern wirklich liebte.
However, Isabela never lost her patience, because she really loved her sisters.
However, Isabela never lost her patience, because she really loved her sisters.
Sie waren überzeugt, dass ihre Schwester im Palast besseres Essen erhielt als sie.
They were convinced that their sister received better food than them in the palace.
They were convinced that their sister received better food than them in the palace.
Eines Nachmittags planten beide Schwestern, Prinzessin Isabela etwas Gemeines anzutun.
One afternoon, both sisters planned on doing something mean to Princess Isabela.
One afternoon, both sisters planned on doing something mean to Princess Isabela.
Die Schwestern verbrachten ihre meiste Zeit allein und hatten keine Freunde, nicht einmal in ihren Ballettstunden.
The sisters spent most of their time alone, and had no friends, not even in their ballet lessons.
The sisters spent most of their time alone, and had no friends, not even in their ballet lessons.
Dagegen beachtete niemand im Dorf ihre Schwestern, weil sie als bösartig und unverschämt bekannt waren.
On the other hand, nobody in the village paid attention to her sisters because they were known as evil and rude.
On the other hand, nobody in the village paid attention to her sisters because they were known as evil and rude.
Dagegen sprach ihre jüngere Schwester immer mit ihnen und versuchte, eine freundliche Beziehung zu ihnen zu haben.
On the other hand, their younger sister always talked to them and tried to have a friendly relationship.
On the other hand, their younger sister always talked to them and tried to have a friendly relationship.