How to say Slow in Italian?
What does Lento mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Slow is translated in Italian by...
Lento (m) / Lenta (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
La tartaruga è lenta.
The turtle is slow.
The turtle is slow.
More Example Sentences.
Poi ha notato che il suo pulcino più lento era scomparso.
She then noticed that her slowest chick was gone.
She then noticed that her slowest chick was gone.
Se piove molto, l'aereo è sempre più lento del solito.
If it rains a lot, the plane is always slower than usual.
If it rains a lot, the plane is always slower than usual.
Uno dei pulcini di Clementina era più lento degli altri cinque ed era sempre stato l'ultimo.
One of Clementine's chick was slower than the other five and was always the last.
One of Clementine's chick was slower than the other five and was always the last.