How to say Small in German?
What does Klein mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Small is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ja, eine kleine Portion Pommes.
Yes, a small order of fries.
Yes, a small order of fries.
Wir hatten ein kleines Auto.
We used to have a small car.
We used to have a small car.
Möchten Sie eine kleinere Grösse haben?
Would you like a smaller size?
Would you like a smaller size?
Ja, aber wir erlauben nur kleine Haustiere.
Yes, but we only allow small pets.
Yes, but we only allow small pets.
Ich möchte einen kleinen Automatikwagen.
I would like a small automatic car.
I would like a small automatic car.
Eine Maus ist ein sehr kleines Tier.
A mouse is a very small animal.
A mouse is a very small animal.
Eine Maus ist kleiner als ein Elefant.
A mouse is smaller than an elephant.
A mouse is smaller than an elephant.
Ihr werdet in dem Fluss kleine Fische finden.
You will find small fish in the river.
You will find small fish in the river.
Nein, nur Spaß... Es ist nur ein kleines Loch.
No, just kidding... It's only a small cavity.
No, just kidding... It's only a small cavity.
Ich bin selbständig. Ich habe ein kleines Geschäft.
I'm self-employed. I have a small business.
I'm self-employed. I have a small business.
Jener kleine Junge ist ein guter Fußballspieler.
That small boy is a good soccer player.
That small boy is a good soccer player.
Er hat auch dieses kleine Gästebadezimmer hier gebaut.
He also built this small guest bathroom here.
He also built this small guest bathroom here.
More Example Sentences.
Ich sehe einen kleinen Laden.
I see a small shop.
I see a small shop.
Und wenn ich klein sage, meine ich winzig!
And when I say small, I mean tiny!
And when I say small, I mean tiny!
Im Alter von 18 kaufte ich einen kleinen Roller.
At the age of 18, I bought a small scooter.
At the age of 18, I bought a small scooter.
Sie planten ihr erstes Date in einem kleinen Café.
They planned their first date at a small cafe.
They planned their first date at a small cafe.
Don Manuel besaß einen kleinen Hof und ein paar Tiere.
Don Manuel had a small farm and a few animals.
Don Manuel had a small farm and a few animals.
Ich muss den ganzen Tag in dieser kleinen Wohnung bleiben.
I have to stay in this small apartment all day.
I have to stay in this small apartment all day.
Sie schob einen kleinen Schreibtisch zwischen die zwei Jungen.
She slid a small desk between the two boys.
She slid a small desk between the two boys.
Ich nehme einen kleinen Stock und versuche, ihn sanft zu schieben.
I take a small stick and try to push him gently.
I take a small stick and try to push him gently.
Ich bin in einer kleinen Stadt an der Küste des Atlantischen Ozeans.
I am in a small town on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.
I am in a small town on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.
Er fand eine kleine Wasserquelle und begann verzweifelt zu trinken.
He found a small source of water and began drinking desperately.
He found a small source of water and began drinking desperately.
Kleine glitzernde Funkeln begannen inmitten des Gesteins zu erscheinen.
Small shiny sparkles began to appear in the middle of the stone.
Small shiny sparkles began to appear in the middle of the stone.
Sie fragte ihre Lehrerin, ob sie ein kleines Experiment durchführen könne.
She asked her teacher if she could perform a small experiment.
She asked her teacher if she could perform a small experiment.
Jedoch sind die Sitze sehr klein und es gibt sehr wenig Beinfreiheit.
However, the seats are very small and there is very little legroom.
However, the seats are very small and there is very little legroom.
Es war einmal ein kleines Dorf inmitten einer großen Gebirgskette.
There was once a small village in the middle of a large mountain range.
There was once a small village in the middle of a large mountain range.
Ich öffne den kleinsten Karton und bin sehr überrascht von dem, was ich finde.
I open the smallest box and I'm very surprised by what I find.
I open the smallest box and I'm very surprised by what I find.
Die Schramme an meinem Auto, mein langweiliger Job, meine kleinen Geldprobleme …
The dent on my car, my boring job, my small money problems...
The dent on my car, my boring job, my small money problems...