How to say Small in Italian?
What does Piccolo mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Small is translated in Italian by...
Piccolo (m) / Piccola (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Un topo è un animale molto piccolo.
A mouse is a very small animal.
A mouse is a very small animal.
Sì, ma solo piccoli animali domestici.
Yes, but only small pets.
Yes, but only small pets.
Vuole una taglia più piccola?
Would you like a smaller size?
Would you like a smaller size?
Noi avevamo una piccola macchina.
We used to have a small car.
We used to have a small car.
Vorrei una piccola auto automatica.
I would like a small automatic car.
I would like a small automatic car.
Voi troverete piccoli pesci nel fiume.
You will find small fish in the river.
You will find small fish in the river.
Sono lavoratore autonomo. Ho una piccola impresa.
I'm self-employed. I have a small business.
I'm self-employed. I have a small business.
No, sto scherzando... È solo una piccola carie.
No, just kidding... It's only a small cavity.
No, just kidding... It's only a small cavity.
La scatola grande è mia, la scatola piccola è sua.
The big box is mine, the small box is hers.
The big box is mine, the small box is hers.
Ha anche costruito questo piccolo bagno per gli ospiti.
He also built this small guest bathroom.
He also built this small guest bathroom.