How to say Snow in French?
What does Neige mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

Snow is translated in French by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

The snow is white.

He sits in the snow.

The snow is very cold.

There is a lot of snow.

She hates snowmen.

We made a snowman.

Snow is falling on the ground.

We are having fun in the snow.

The snow was falling from the trees.

I like the snow, but not the cold.

I am going to throw a snowball at you.

(Me) I like neither the snow nor the cold.

They will climb the mountain in the snow.

I am catching some snowflakes on my tongue.

He jumped on a branch with his snowboard.

They will go down the hill on their snowboards.

I will walk five kilometers in the snow today.
More Example Sentences.

The snowstorm.

It's completely buried in snow!

There's been a snowstorm here for almost two days.

It's snowing so much that we can hardly see through the windows of the house.