How to say Snow in Spanish?
What does Nieve mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Snow is translated in Spanish by...
La nieve (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
La nieve es blanca.
The snow is white.
The snow is white.
Hay mucha nieve.
There is a lot of snow.
There is a lot of snow.
La nieve es muy fría.
Snow is very cold.
Snow is very cold.
Ella odia los muñecos de nieve.
She hates snowmen.
She hates snowmen.
Él se sienta en la nieve.
He is sitting down in the snow.
He is sitting down in the snow.
Nosotros hicimos un muñeco de nieve.
We made a snowman.
We made a snowman.
Nosotros nos divertimos en la nieve.
We are having fun in the snow.
We are having fun in the snow.
La nieve está cayendo en el suelo.
Snow is falling on the ground.
Snow is falling on the ground.
La nieve se caía de los árboles.
The snow was falling from the trees.
The snow was falling from the trees.
No hay nieve durante el invierno.
There is no snow during the winter.
There is no snow during the winter.
Te voy a lanzar una bola de nieve.
I am going to throw a snow ball at you.
I am going to throw a snow ball at you.
Yo atrapo los copos de nieve con mi lengua.
I am catching some snowflakes on my tongue.
I am catching some snowflakes on my tongue.
Hoy, caminaré cinco kilómetros en la nieve.
Today, I will walk five kilometers in the snow.
Today, I will walk five kilometers in the snow.
More Example Sentences.
La tormenta de nieve.
The snowstorm.
The snowstorm.
¡Está completamente enterrado por la nieve!
It's completely buried in snow!
It's completely buried in snow!
Ha habido una tormenta de nieve por casi dos días.
There's been a snowstorm here for almost two days.
There's been a snowstorm here for almost two days.